25 May, 2017

Alzheimer’s Research U.K: “The Day Shazam Forgot”

Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer's that attacks as more than 40,000 under 65 that live with dementia in the United States.

To transmit this message to young people, the association Alzheimer's Research U.K joined forces with the Shazam music recognition app through making it suddenly begin to forget song titles to highlight the little known fact about this disease.

In only a couple of hours they managed to reach 2,018,206 users of this app calling to go to the page of donations of the association.

18 May, 2017


Dove's ads and the concept "Real Beauty" to empower women's confidence in a world full of stereotypes are a guarantee of effective messages.

Based on the fact that only 4 of every 10 girls with curls believes that their hair is pretty, their most recent campaign "Love Your Curls" shows how to change the perspective of six little protagonists who see their curly hair as a defect.

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